Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry is located in Rio Rancho New Mexico
and provides service to Albuquerque, Bernalillo, Corrales, San Ysidro,
Algodones, Budaghers, Edgewood and Bosque Farms.


Mountain View Pediatric Dental is located in Rio Rancho New Mexico and provides service to Albuquerque, Bernalillo, Corrales, San Ysidro, Algodones, Budaghers, Edgewood and Bosque Farms.

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At Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry, it’s our mission to provide quality dental care for children.

In particular, we aim to create an environment where children feel safe and do not fear or dread coming to the dentist. With the goal of setting each child on a path to good oral health which translates into their adult life.


At Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the importance of utilizing the latest in treatment technology. With advancements in dental medicine, many concerns of patients and guardians have been greatly alleviated. To that end, we are proud to offer technologies that have revolutionized the way we provide care for our patients.

At Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the importance of utilizing the latest in treatment technology.

With advancements in dental medicine, many concerns of patients and guardians have been greatly alleviated. To that end, we are proud to offer technologies that have revolutionized the way we provide care for our patients.

Firstly, we offer dental laser technology, which enables us to perform many common dental procedures with minimal discomfort. These devices use hydrokinetic technology and laser-powered water droplets, resulting in no heat, vibrations or noise. Furthermore, it is FDA approved and completely safe. By utilizing this technology, we are able to provide pain -free dentistry for our patients. 

We are proud to offer the latest in crown materials, which allow us to provide our patients with more aesthetically pleasing dental restorations. These advanced materials are strong, durable, and blend seamlessly with natural teeth, giving you confidence in your child’s dental care. Our commitment to using the most innovative and effective materials means that our patients can expect the highest level of care and the best possible outcomes.

The use of a CO2 laser in dentistry results in less postoperative pain, reduced inflammation, and quicker healing times for patients. The dental team at Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry uses this technology to perform various procedures including frenectomies, removing excess gum tissue, and removing oral lesions. By using a CO2 laser, our team can provide our patients with a safe, effective, and comfortable experience during their dental procedures.

Lastly, we understand the importance of minimizing radiation exposure to our patients and that is why we utilize advanced digital x-ray technology in our office. This technology exposes our patients to half the radiation of a conventional radiograph, which is why we are particularly careful to minimize our patients’ exposure to radiation. We believe that this represents a far smaller risk than an undetected and untreated dental problem.

Firstly, we offer dental laser technology, which enables us to perform many common dental procedures with minimal discomfort. These devices use hydrokinetic technology and laser-powered water droplets, resulting in no heat, vibrations or noise. Furthermore, it is FDA approved and completely safe. By utilizing this technology, we are able to provide pain-free dentistry for our patients.


We are proud to offer the latest in crown materials, which allow us to provide our patients with more aesthetically pleasing dental restorations. These advanced materials are strong, durable, and blend seamlessly with natural teeth, giving you confidence in your child's dental care. Our commitment to using the most innovative and effective materials means that our patients can expect the highest level of care and the best possible outcomes.


The use of a CO2 laser in dentistry results in less postoperative pain, reduced inflammation, and quicker healing times for patients. The dental team at Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry uses this technology to perform various procedures including frenectomies, removing excess gum tissue, and removing oral lesions. By using a CO2 laser, our team can provide our patients with a safe, effective, and comfortable experience during their dental procedures.


Lastly, we understand the importance of minimizing radiation exposure to our patients and that is why we utilize advanced digital x-ray technology in our office. This technology exposes our patients to half the radiation of a conventional radiograph, which is why we are particularly careful to minimize our patients' exposure to radiation. We believe that this represents a far smaller risk than an undetected and untreated dental problem.



Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry is a trailblazer in advanced dental technology. We were the first office in the area to utilize cutting-edge dental laser technology, which has allowed us to perform procedures with greater precision, comfort, and safety. As such we are proud to be one of the few offices in the area that offer this advanced technology. This allows us to perform procedures without the use of a traditional dental drill resulting in reduced pain, vibration, and noise for our patients. In summary, a visit with us a stress-free one.

Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry helps patients feel safe with virtually painless procedures
Dr Brian Hatch at Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry helps young patients with Sleeping-Disordered Breathing


An Oral Tie, sometimes referred as Lip or Tongue Tie, is a small fold of tissue that connects two structures in the mouth. This can cause problems with speech, feeding, oral hygiene, and healthy breathing habits. Oral ties can be found in several locations in the mouth, including the tongue, lips, and cheeks. Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry can provide patients with proper diagnosis to determine if a frenectomy is necessary to improve oral function.

Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry helps patients who require extensive dental work or who have special needs that make it difficult to receive treatment


Hospital dentistry is dental treatment performed in a hospital setting, often under general anesthesia or conscious sedation. This results in a safe enviroment for patients wwho need extensive dental work, special needs or medical conditions. It ensures safe and effective treatment in a controlled environment for the best possible outcomes.

Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry helps patients who require extensive dental work or who have special needs that make it difficult to receive treatment

Ready to come in for a visit?
We accept insurance



1904 Wellspring Avenue SE Ste. 105 Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm

PHONE 505-415-0462
FAX 505-431-4817


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